
The 6th Tianmu Lake Forum of 2017 was successfully concluded at the main venue of the forum, with the theme of "Tianmu Lake, Forum Way"!
Release time:2023-03-06 02:30

A trickle of water can eventually converge into a torrential river

Sharing the industry with "good strategies, good laws, good products, good craftsmanship and efficiency"

"Tianmu has a lake, and forums have a way"

The 6th Tianmu Lake Forum of 2017 successfully concluded at the main venue of the forum!


(Group photo of some attendees)


(On site of the 6th Tianmu Lake Forum)

The Tianmu Lake Forum, as the only professional technical exchange forum in China aimed at production management and process innovation of feed enterprises, has been established for six sessions since 2012. With the participation and support of people from all walks of life in the industry, the Tianmu Lake Forum has accumulated and reaped achievements in industry innovation and progress through gradual management and innovation discussions and consensus.

This forum focused on extensive and in-depth discussions and research on "good policies, good laws, good products, good craftsmanship, and good efficiency" for the sustainable management and innovation of China's feed industry. Entrepreneurs, experts, scholars, professors, and technical personnel from the industry gave wonderful professional lectures to everyone. At the same time, through the unique "everyone sharing, achievement sharing" operation mode of the forum, it once again dedicated a grand ceremony of technical exchange and innovation landing that combines theory and practice for the industry.


(Mr. Hao Bo, Vice President of China Feed Industry Association and Chairman of Zhengchang Group, delivered a welcome speech)


(Mr. Yan Jiangang, leader of Jiangsu Feed Industry Association, delivered a speech at this forum)


  (Mr. Yan Kuiyou, leader of the National Animal Husbandry Station of the Ministry of Agriculture and 

the China Feed Industry Association, delivered a speech and delivered a keynote speech)

At the beginning of the forum, Mr. Yan Kuiyou gave a detailed analysis of the "Development Trends and Market Outlook of China's Feed Industry" from the new characteristics of China's animal husbandry feed industry development and the gradual development of the feed industry to the operational situation of the feed industry in 2017. He also elaborated on the new characteristics of the feed industry's development in the next 5-10 years, which will mainly focus on industrial structure adjustment and slow growth. It is believed that in the future of the industry, "adjusting structure, improving quality, promoting integration, reducing costs, and filling gaps" are important tasks for innovative development.

This forum also delivered multiple professional hot topics lectures on practical applications such as business management, production process improvement, and equipment innovation.


1. The keynote speech on the impact of different processes and parameters on the quality of pellet feed and the growth performance of weaned piglets showcased the results of low-temperature granulation experiments, elaborating in detail on the theoretical pioneers of "good methods and good products" in feed processing technology, as well as the impact of different processing technologies on piglet growth performance and other aspects. With very detailed practical comparison data, it is of great guiding significance on how to improve the production process of feed for dairy pigs in the future.


2. The professional lecture on how to improve the efficiency of aquatic feed through technological transformation provides many creative suggestions. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on the efficiency development of the feed industry in the past decade, and from the perspectives of production management and process innovation, practical management and targeted improvement designs for different aquatic processes were provided, as well as key areas for improving different process points. This helped aquatic feed enterprises to efficiently improve from "good methods and craftsmanship" to "good efficiency", thereby achieving strong core competitiveness demonstrated through improvement.


3. The topic of the seminar is "The Application of Shuhua Machine in the Production of Teaching Trough Material". Through data analysis of feed produced by ordinary process and teaching trough material Shuhua process, the differences and feeding effects of the two processes were clearly understood through data. It further elaborated on the comprehensive data comparison of feed to meat ratio, hygiene, safety, low anti nutritional factors, preference for feeding and non thinning of piglets, and survival rate of different processes, providing practical data support for the industry to innovate and improve good strategies.


4. The keynote speech titled "Focus on Feed Processing Technology under the New Normal" detailed the key points of unconventional raw material processing and low-cost processing technology, as well as the technical measures related to hygiene design of feed processing technology, making the industry's understanding and consensus on efficient and safe feed production clearer.


5. The special speech on "Efficient and Standardized Sheep Breeding Technology, Research and Demonstration" focused on the consensus that "mountains of gold and silver are not as good as green mountains and clear waters". Starting from the practical needs of sustainable development in pastoral areas, and addressing the problem of imbalanced forage nutrition supply, which leads to low reproductive performance of grassland livestock and hindered growth and development of young animals, through seven standardized and healthy breeding technologies, profound "good strategies and laws" were made to achieve a "win-win" situation of income increase and grassland ecological environment protection.


6. The lecture with the theme of "Future Construction Direction and Site Management of Feed Factories" pointed out the common difficulties in current feed factory sites, and explained in detail how to improve and perfect feed factory construction, how to achieve modernization, efficiency, and practicality of feed factories through precise and targeted design and refined management, and thus form competitive advantages. The lecture conducted a "good effect" exchange of practice and theory.


7. In the lecture on "Intelligent and Informatized Upgrading and Transformation of Feed Factories", it was pointed out that with the gradual advancement of Industry 4.0 era, intelligence and automation have become development trends. In order to improve the overall efficiency and data visualization management of feed factories, it is necessary to integrate "isolated data" such as production, technology, quality control, marketing, and service into a system data platform, so as to achieve a "transparent" industrial chain from management, operation, service to traceability, and to link the entire process of data from raw materials entering the factory to finished product transformation, making it possible for industry practitioners to become "good craftsmen".


8. This forum also provided a deep interpretation of "Safety, Hygiene, and Efficient Production in Feed Factories - Achieving New Standards for Environmental Protection and Safety", and proposed effective solutions for feed enterprises to meet environmental requirements and fundamentally solve their problems, as well as effective supervision by industry regulatory authorities from multiple dimensions. This provided guidance for theoretical and practical research on industry "standard standards", helped regulate industry operations, and enabled everyone to achieve the goal of having a harvest production line for happiness comprehensively and scientifically.

During the forum, in addition to giving professional speeches on future industry development trends and hot issues in feed production management and process innovation, interactive Q&A sessions with guests and roundtable discussions were also set up to fully leverage the wisdom of attendees and share industry achievements.




(Interactive communication on-site)

At this forum, the attending guests shared and discussed 54 valuable papers on process design, equipment technology, production management, and other aspects. After careful evaluation by the forum expert group, the "New Feed Generation" Fund commended the attending representatives who demonstrated outstanding performance in this forum and actively shared their valuable experiences and research results.


Excellent Team Award


Top 10 individuals


Third Prize


Second Prize


First prize

In the later part of the forum, guests visited and inspected the headquarters of Zhengchang and Jiangsu Guoliang Storage Engineering:





The Tianmu Lake Forum will continue to maintain its positioning of "building a harvest production line for happiness", and is committed to building a first-class technology exchange and interaction platform for production management and process innovation in China's feed industry. At the same time, the Tianmu Lake Forum will continue to practice the operational philosophy of "everyone shares, everyone participates, and results share". It is hoped that through this platform, more "good strategies, good laws, good products, and good craftsmen" will emerge in the industry, thereby achieving the overall effective operation of the industry.

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