
Elite Gathering Event —The 4th Tianmu Lake Forum of 2015
Release time:2023-10-26 04:07

Elite Gathering Industry Event

The Fourth Tianmu Lake Forum of 2015 was successfully held


    The 4th Tianmu Lake Forum (China Feed Industry Production Management and Process Innovation Forum), hosted by Zhengchang Group, was successfully held on the picturesque banks of Tianmu Lake from November 30 to December 2, 2015. As the only influential annual technical exchange event in China's feed industry, especially in the feed machinery processing industry, this Tianmu Lake Forum is themed with "differentiation, efficiency, safety, and intelligence". The leaders and guests attending this grand event include Yan Kuiyou, Director of the National Animal Husbandry Station of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Information Center of the China Feed Industry Association, Yan Jiangang, Deputy Director and Deputy Secretary General of the Jiangsu Feed Industry Office, and Hao Bo, Vice President of the China Feed Industry Association and Chairman of Zhengchang Group. More than 80 production management, process equipment managers, and technical experts from various feed industries across the country, such as Zhengda Group, Dabei Agricultural Group, New Hope Liuhe Co., Ltd., Jinxinnong Co., Ltd., and Zhengda Kangdi Company, also attended the meeting. Lv Shunkai, Executive Vice President of Zhengchang Group, and Cao Kang, Editor in Chief of China Modern Feed Engineering, presided over the meeting. Yan Kuiyou, Hao Bo, and Yan Jiangang delivered speeches at the opening ceremony, opening a grand event.


Expert lectures are all exciting

    During the three-day forum, 9 experts gave keynote speeches around the theme, using their research findings and work practices, covering a wide range of topics and rich content. They interpreted the industry development trends and hot issues in feed production management.

    Director Yan Kuiyou gave a speech titled "Development Trends of China's Feed Industry under the New Normal", and based on the current development status of the industry in 2015 and the development trends in 2016, he foresaw the development characteristics and prospects of animal husbandry feed under the new normal.

    Fu Tongjiu, General Manager of the Development Department of New Hope Liuhe Co., Ltd., gave a speech on "Crushing System Configuration and Crushing Efficiency". Combining practical experience, he focused on sharing how to choose advanced crushing equipment and the best process to achieve the production development of feed enterprises. He said, "It's not that we're saying that Zhengchang is good at the meeting, but internationally we've found good crushers that are indeed manufactured by Zhengchang."

    Yang Guojun, Production Director of Laibeite Group, demonstrated the use of Zhengchang Shuhua suckling pig feed technology to produce "sweet and crispy" feed, which won the trust and appreciation of farmers, defeated more than 40 local competitors, and became the regional sales champion.            

    Hao Bo, Chairman of Zhengchang Group, gave a speech on the differentiated value of the Shuhua process and ordinary pig feed process, analyzing the Shuhua process value from the perspective of feed processing. Zhengchang's 6-year research and development of the softening process for piglet feeding materials allows piglets to gain an extra kilogram during feeding and can gain up to ten kilograms in weight during feeding.

    Cui Biao, Manager of the Technology Department of China Youran Animal Husbandry, Zhao Baoyin, Safety Advisor of Zhengda Group, Lv Jianlong, Director of the Engineering Research Institute of Zhengchang Group, Li Hua, Chief Engineer of the Engineering Research Institute of Zhengchang Group, and Jiang Suhua, General Manager of Zhengchang Electric Control Company also gave wonderful keynote speeches and exchanged ideas. At the venue, many people raised their cameras to take photos and often spontaneously applauded.


    The forum emphasizes interaction, and during the guest discussion and expert Q&A sessions, attending representatives seize opportunities and constantly ask questions. A representative of Jiujiu and Mu asked three questions in one breath, and the guests calmly answered with actionable solutions, winning warm applause from the whole audience.



Round table forums benefit everyone

    The group round table forum is the best model for interpreting "interaction" in the Tianmu Lake Forum. Everyone lectures and shares, and the interaction here is two-way, generating mutual benefit. Here, we focus on the production management and innovation of the feed industry, summarizing lessons and experiences from frontline production and management, conducting in-depth analysis, exploration and summary, finding solutions suitable for the development of the enterprise, and then returning to frontline production and management applications. The roundtable forum has guided enterprise technological reform, improved product quality, enhanced differentiated competitiveness, and promoted industry progress.

    Five sub groups, from the evening of November 30th to noon of December 1st, will discuss the current hot topics in the feed industry: high sugar honey addition technology; Milk pig feeding technology; There was a heated discussion on how to improve production efficiency through equipment renovation, achieve less manpower and automation solutions, and different awards were awarded by the conference. Each discussion room has a lively atmosphere, with enthusiastic communication and diligent note taking.

Cheng Zongjia, the person in charge of the third sub venue and the chief scientist of Belgium Green Sai Group, said, "There is a lake in the sky, and the forum has its way! The roundtable forum is the most down-to-earth grand event in China's feed industry!"


The fund awards new awards every year

    The feed industry is a large industry that involves a wide range of complex issues. Currently, competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and holding a few meetings may not fully solve all the difficulties and problems encountered. However, since the establishment of the Tianmu Lake Forum by Zhengchang Group in 2012, it has been aimed at gathering common wisdom within the industry, contributing to the progress of Chinese feed enterprises and the development of the Chinese feed industry.

    At the closing ceremony on December 2nd, the "New Feed Generation" Fund was launched to recognize the outstanding representatives who actively shared their research results during this forum. The "New Feed Generation" Fund is a special reward fund established by Zhengchang Group for outstanding contributors in production management and technological innovation research during the Tianmu Lake Forum Roundtable Meeting.

    The award ceremony began with exciting music, and Fang Guoqi from Dacheng Group won the first prize in the "Harvest Production Line for Happiness - Process Technology Equipment Improvement and Management" category at the forum. His award-winning project "Sharing of Oil Post Spray Technology" was evaluated by experts as "thermal spray technology creates new value, achieving high additive content and consistent high-quality appearance, and creating differentiated value for enterprises.". Zhengchang Group Chairman Hao Bo awarded him a bonus of 3000 yuan.


    The second prize winners are Chen Feng from Jinxinnong Co., Ltd., Duan Junwu from Shanxi Elephant Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Group, and Wei Zhenwu from the Grassland Science Research Institute of Yangzhou University. Representatives from Shandong Huanshan Group, including Lu Zengwen, Da Beinong Group, Tang Xiaohua, and Zhengda Kangdi Company, Cai De, won the third prize. The fifth group of the roundtable forum, with outstanding performance, put forward 36 valuable suggestions around process design, single machine technology, etc., and was the leader of each group, earning the honorary title of "Excellent Team". In addition, the top ten individuals with valuable suggestions were also recognized.

Grateful and looking forward to seeing you again

    At the closing ceremony, Chairman Hao Bo gave a concluding speech, reviewing the agenda and focusing on the theme of "Four Modernizations". Together, we created an academic festival that combines theory and practice; He expressed gratitude to the experts, professors, and scientific and technological workers who have made contributions to the Tianmu Lake Forum; He hopes that the official website of the Tianmu Lake Forum will become a stage for everyone to continue discussing and sharing research results; He hopes that China's feed industry will develop better and the Chinese nation will grow stronger in the future.                    

    After the meeting, participants from the Tianmu Lake Forum visited the advanced production lines of Zhengchang Grain Machinery Co., Ltd. and Guoliang Company together, marking a successful conclusion to their trip.

    2015 was an extraordinary year for feed enterprises, a year that has gone through ups and downs. In the first half of the year, the total national feed production was 87.3 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 1.7%. Feed enterprises are facing a balance between "capacity adjustment" and "price efficiency". Under such a severe situation, Zhengchang Group hopes to use the Tianmu Lake Forum to gather everyone's ideas and contribute their talents to the development of China's feed industry technology and equipment, explore a path of breakthrough innovation and sustainable development for the development of China's feed industry and feed enterprises, and jointly build a harvest production line that exists for happiness. Looking forward to the 5th Tianmu Lake Forum meeting again.

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