
Happiness in Zhengchang
Release time:2023-12-12 04:42

On 22nd October, Zhengchang grandly awarded 62 senior employees with 2021 Centennial Celebration Commemorative Prizes. This time, 46 of them were awarded the "Growth Award" for 10 years, 8 of them were awarded the "Struggle Award" for 20 years, 7 of them were awarded the "Cultivation Award" for 30 years, and 1 of them was awarded the "Dedication Award" for 40 years (the detailed list is attached). "(A detailed list is attached). Lv Juan, Yu Shujiao, Huang Xiang and Zhou Meiying, as the representatives of 10-year, 20-year and 30-year employees respectively, delivered their acceptance speeches. Lv Juan said, "I will aim at the next 10 years, continue to maintain my passion for work, and at the same time, I will continue to work hard with a thankful heart to create value for the company." Huang Xiang said: "I am a veteran and my wife has been employed for 13 years, thanks to the company's platform to give my family a stable job, so that I have a stable and fulfilling living environment, I will continue to maintain the character of a soldier, shine in the post, in return for the company's training." Hao Bo, the chairman of the board of directors, put on the ring for Zhang Gaoming, the employee who won the 40-year "Dedication Award", congratulated all the award-winning employees, and at the same time, expressed his gratitude to the old employees who have been working hard and making selfless contributions for generations, and encouraged them to turn their "years of service" into "spirit" and to make the "years of service" into "spirit". At the same time, he expressed his gratitude to the old employees who have been working hard and making selfless contributions for generations, and encouraged them to turn their "service life" into "spirit", inherit the enterprise culture, take up the responsibility, improve the efficiency, change their mindset, and create a new situation for Zhengchang together. The commemorative prize for the centennial celebration was a custom-made Chiu Wang Kei gold ring, and the award-winning employees with more than 20 years of service were rewarded with 1-3 weeks of paid leave respectively. For the employees who could not be present to receive the prizes due to work reasons, Vice Chairman Lu Ying led the relevant personnel of the Party and Public Affairs Department to go to their workplaces in person to present them with the certificates and rings.

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