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[Engineering News] Jiangsu Haibo's Annual Production of 200000 tons of High end Aquatic Feed Project is about to be put into operation
Release time:2023-12-04 10:18

The Jiangsu Haibo Annual Production of 200000 tons (Phase I) High end Aquatic Feed Project, undertaken by Zhengchang, is about to start production! This project targets special aquatic markets such as South American white shrimp, river crabs, frogs, catfish, yellow catfish, and California bass.


As one of the guides of Chinese mature feed, Haibo Group, with its differentiated mature feed, has achieved sales from 0 to 220000 tons in just 4 years, making it a true dark horse among today's feed enterprises. This production line adopts a new generation of unique maturation technology and strict production standards, and the entire project is full of challenges from design to construction.

Especially in the face of the complex delivery environment of Haibo, the Zhengchang delivery team has ensured the timely delivery of the project from the overall planning in the early stage to the actual situation on site, with a sound construction plan and organizational support.

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The person in charge of Haibo fully affirmed this and also introduced the unique maturation process of the project and the many values it can bring to farmers:

The production line adopts a unique ripening process. The shrimp material is steamed at 95 ℃ for about 1 hour, and the fish material is also steamed for about half an hour. Its functions are: 1. ripening and sterilization to reduce the incidence rate; 2. Improve digestion rate, remove anti nutritional factors, and grow quickly; 3. Improve gelatinization rate, increase stability, and prevent water damage; 4. The temperature is not high, just like steamed rice, it retains its nutritional components; It can help breeding customers achieve great breeding benefits.

The entire project is equipped with Zhengchang equipment, including a series of high-efficiency equipment such as ultra-fine crushers, mixers, granulators, puffing machines, dryers, vacuum spraying machines, etc., to ensure stable and efficient production for Haibo. Now, let the editor take you into the construction site to see it first!



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In the future, the production of this project will further assist Haibo in improving feed quality and nutrition, creating greater breeding benefits for farmers, and completely opening up its southern market.

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