
Machine Intelligence
Machine Intelligence
Pellet Mill Hammer Mill Mixer Extruder Dryer Vacuum Coater Supporting Equipment Machine Intelligence Accessory Premix Grain Silo
  • Equipment maintenance door limit switch/Safety limit switch/Emergency stop switch/Interlock protection/Feed level anti blocking/Main motor electrical safety pin function/Overcurrent protection/Torque limiter protection/Mechanical energy monitoring;

  • By filtering and calculating the weight loss scale, real-time output is calculated, then PID algorithm is applied to control the feeding speed, achieving automatic adjustment of the feeding speed;

  • By setting the addition ratio related to the feed amount, the required steam flow rate is obtained, the steam addition amount is automatically controlled through flow meter feedback to achieve stable and accurate temperature control;

  • Constant pressure water supply system, water proportioning valve, water flow meter control, required water addition amount is obtained by setting the addition ratio related to the feed amount. The water addition amount is automatically controlled through flow meter feedback, achieving stable and accurate control of conditioning and water addition;

  • Steam pneumatic shut-off valve, steam proportional valve, steam flow meter control, the required steam flow rate is obtained by setting the addition ratio related to the feed rate. The steam addition rate is automatically controlled through flow meter feedback. Each screw sleeve with an addition port, determined by the operator to start a single or multiple addition;

  • The water source is taken from a constant pressure water supply system, with a water proportioning valve and controlled by a water flow meter. By setting the addition ratio associated with the feeding amount, calculate the amount of water added,and the water addition amount is automatically controlled through flow meter feedback;

  • By setting the addition ratio related to the feed amount, the required liquid addition amount can be obtained. By automatically controlling the liquid addition amount through flow meter feedback, various types of liquids such as oils/pigments can be added;

  • The upstream meat processing and storage system obtains the required amount of meat by setting the addition ratio related to the feed amount. Calculate real-time meat rate through mass flow meter, the speed of the meat pump can be automatically controlled through PID operation to achieve stable addition of meat;

  • The jacket has two functional options: heating and cooling. The system collects the jacket temperature in real-time and automatically opens and closes the corresponding valve according to the set temperature;

  • The operator only needs to select the formula download parameters, start the automatic start, the system will gradually start. It can reach the optimal output in 10-15 minutes, then maintain stable operation.

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